Tuesday 10 September 2013

Task 5 Trends

Discuss the current market and industry trends within the industry.

When the era of consoles came around, it was the big brands that made the big bucks. This of course meant they were now well known and famous and anything they release won't go unnoticed. Big brands knew gaming is getting bigger than ever so they started making their own games and their own titles. For example Microsoft has the Halo franchise going with the Xbox (to this day) and this meant that if the game (Halo) became popular and friends start to tell each other about how good it is, people will have to buy an xbox just to play the game. When we think gaming console, we don't go straight for something like the Ouya or an android based console or something else. Our minds are dominated by the big brands that have dominated the industry. When we think films, we think Hollywood. There are other types of course like Indies and other independent film making companies but we think Hollywood because it is what has dominated the film industry. The gaming industry in the same way, is dominated by the well known brands Microsoft, Nintendo and PlayStation. This has a massive impact when someone decides to buy their first console. When I bought my first console Sony was the famous brand that everyone was buying from and everyone around me used to talk about how good the new PlayStation 3 was and how it beat Microsoft's Xbox. This influenced me to buy a Sony console instead of an xbox. Being a big brand, you're bound to have competition and this meant that fans are going to split in two, xbox fans and Sony fans. When Sony announced their PS4 with full spec information, there were many xbox fans who were still saying Xbox was better. Facts being facts, the Ps4 did actually beat the xbox one. So instead of buying the better console Microsoft fans were buying the Xbox One instead purely because they've been Microsoft fans for as long as this war began. That is the impact a big brand can have on the mind of their consumers. 

Intellectual Property:

 Intellectual property is not physical material, it is intellectual meaning it is of the mind. IP is tangible stuff that needs to be protected by it's creator. Commonly protected Ip is musical, literary, and artistic works, discoveries and inventions, and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. These 'creations'  can be copyright protected, patented, trademarked and given industrial design rights. 

After having an idea protected by the correct type of legal mark, it is now the protector's property. If someone wants to use this idea or a character you created, you will have to give them the permission with some limits. Your IP would now be called a franchised IP because the original idea is being used in other ways, ideas, settings and stories. Given the permissions the original character or idea may even be modified to look completely different. An example of this is Superman. The original idea of this character was introduced to the world in 1937 and shortly after it was sold to dc in 1938 where he made his first appearance in a comic in June 1938. Since then there have been many versions of Superman and his world. It kept changing for example his suit went from a tiny S on the chest and an unfit slightly chubby person to a bigger S and a fitter, stronger and well built Superman. This means different companies got permission from Dc (the owner of superman) to use him in films, pictures, comics etc.




                                                              current suit 2013  - ONWARDS

Serialized IP

Serialised IP is IP that has been made from scratch meaning the idea and storyline, the story, character whatever the creation, was made from no previous concepts of it. An example of this can be Microsoft's new exclusive, Sunset Overdive the video game. Serialised IP can become franchised IP and all franchised IP begins as serialised IP.



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